Start your day with confidence knowing that your product works as it should

Start Your Day With Confidence

Kick off your day with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your product works for your users. We'll email you every morning with a simple confirmation that your product is delivering on its promise, or if not, the heads up you need to rectify it swiftly.

Real User Experience - Simplified

As a product manager, you want to ensure your product does what it's supposed to do. Our role? To step into the shoes of your average user and confirm that it does. We simulate real user interactions daily, providing you with a clear 'Yes' or 'No' outcome

A daily user test to see that your product is working

E-mailed to your inbox - No fancy logins.

Be first to know somethings is up

Imagine waking up to a barrage of customer complaints about your product being down. You're caught off-guard, your day derails even before it's properly started. Sounds stressful, right?





Daily E-mail

End-to-end test

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What is doesmystuffwork?

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What is a test?

Can I cancel my plan?

Do you use AI?


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© 2022 Strice AB


© 2022 Strice AB